CoffeeScript = require './coffee-script'
CoffeeScript.require = require
compile = CoffeeScript.compile
This Browser compatibility layer extends core CoffeeScript functions
to make things work smoothly when compiling code directly in the browser.
We add support for loading remote Coffee scripts via XHR, and
script tags, source maps via data-URLs, and so on.
CoffeeScript = require './coffee-script'
CoffeeScript.require = require
compile = CoffeeScript.compile
Use standard JavaScript eval
to eval code.
CoffeeScript.eval = (code, options = {}) ->
options.bare ?= on
eval compile code, options
Running code does not provide access to this scope. = (code, options = {}) ->
options.bare = on
options.shiftLine = on
Function(compile code, options)()
If we're not in a browser environment, we're finished with the public API.
return unless window?
Include source maps where possible. If we've got a base64 encoder, a JSON serializer, and tools for escaping unicode characters, we're good to go. Ported from
if btoa? and JSON? and unescape? and encodeURIComponent?
compile = (code, options = {}) ->
options.sourceMap = true
options.inline = true
{js, v3SourceMap} = CoffeeScript.compile code, options
"#{js}\n//@ sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,#{btoa unescape encodeURIComponent v3SourceMap}\n//@ sourceURL=coffeescript"
Load a remote script from the current domain via XHR.
CoffeeScript.load = (url, callback, options = {}) ->
options.sourceFiles = [url]
xhr = if window.ActiveXObject
new window.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
new window.XMLHttpRequest() 'GET', url, true
xhr.overrideMimeType 'text/plain' if 'overrideMimeType' of xhr
xhr.onreadystatechange = ->
if xhr.readyState is 4
if xhr.status in [0, 200] xhr.responseText, options
throw new Error "Could not load #{url}"
callback() if callback
xhr.send null
Activate CoffeeScript in the browser by having it compile and evaluate
all script tags with a content-type of text/coffeescript
This happens on page load.
runScripts = ->
scripts = window.document.getElementsByTagName 'script'
coffeetypes = ['text/coffeescript', 'text/literate-coffeescript']
coffees = (s for s in scripts when s.type in coffeetypes)
index = 0
length = coffees.length
do execute = ->
script = coffees[index++]
mediatype = script?.type
if mediatype in coffeetypes
options = {literate: mediatype is 'text/literate-coffeescript'}
if script.src
CoffeeScript.load script.src, execute, options
options.sourceFiles = ['embedded'] script.innerHTML, options
Listen for window load, both in decent browsers and in IE.
if window.addEventListener
window.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', runScripts, no
window.attachEvent 'onload', runScripts